Bosnia is the southmost part of my current trip to Central Europe. My original plan was to visit at least 5 more countries, however I got an offer i can’t turn down. It puts me way out of my comfort zone, it’s legal, and its morally acceptable. There is no way I can possibly turn down an offer like this.

Sarajevo is an amazing city and I wish I could spend more time there. My plan was to spend at least a week there, however I discovered that in all of Bosnia there is no Cholera vaccination, nor malaria pills. This is a problem as I already took my first Cholera drink, and planned to get my second in Sarajevo. 

So I left early and returned to Croatia where they have all the needles and stuff to stick into my body with the hope that I don’t die in my next destination. 

I took advantage of my time in Sarajevo. My memories are of a country hosting the winter Olympics. Then almost 10 years later the country is torn apart by war. Walking around Sarajevo the sight of buildings full of bullet holes, and burnt out is a constant reminder. So are the graveyards located in many of the residential areas that all have death years around 1992-1994.

Here is a video I made on my visit. I found Sarajevo an amazing place and I want to return to spend more time there.

Keir Briscoe

Currently working as an HVAC Controls System Engineer. But this Blog is about the videos I make for Youtube. Subjects are whatever I feel like. But lately its mostly been about my car. Expect more Photography videos in the future. And perhaps a few more travel videos too.

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